Environment Day: A call to action

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World Environment Day is celebrated every June 5, a significant date that invites us to reflect on the importance of our natural environment and take measures to protect it. At a time when environmental challenges are intensifying, from climate change to pollution to biodiversity loss, it is critical that we all come together in this fight for a sustainable future.

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, this day is an annual reminder of the need to protect and preserve our environment. It is an opportunity to join forces and promote positive change in our daily actions , as well as in policies and practices globally. This day reminds us that each of us has a responsibility to care for our common home and leave an environmentally sustainable legacy for future generations.

Each year it focuses on a specific theme to highlight a crucial environmental challenge, such as addressing the plastic pollution crisis we face today and promoting solutions to reduce and eliminate the use of single-use plastics. It invites us to consider more sustainable alternatives and take concrete steps to reduce our plastic consumption and protect our oceans, rivers and ecosystems.

Each one of us can make a difference through our daily actions. Some of them are:

  1. Reduce the use of plastics: Opt for sustainable alternatives, such as reusable bags, refillable water bottles and kitchen utensils made of natural materials. Avoid single-use plastic products , such as disposable straws and cutlery.

  2. Recycle correctly: Make sure to properly separate and recycle waste , including plastic, glass, paper and cardboard. Find out about recycling programs in your area and actively participate in them.

  3. Promote responsible consumption: Support companies and brands committed to sustainable practices. Opt for organic and local products whenever possible, as this reduces the ecological footprint associated with transport and large-scale production.

  4. Conserve natural resources: Save water and energy in your home. Install low-water devices and turn off lights when you don't need them.

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