How does ultrasound gel work on the skin?

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Ultrasound gel plays a vital role in performing Doppler studies and ultrasound scans as it facilitates the transmission of ultrasonic waves through the skin and ensures clear and accurate images are obtained.

When an ultrasound exam is performed, the gel is applied to the skin in the area to be studied. Its main function is to eliminate the air present between the ultrasound probe and the patient's skin. Air can create a barrier that makes it difficult for ultrasonic waves to propagate, negatively affecting image quality. By applying the gel, a direct contact is created between the probe and the skin, allowing the ultrasonic waves to be transmitted unimpeded.

In addition to facilitating the transmission of ultrasonic waves, the gel also improves image quality by eliminating artifacts caused by the air-skin interface. These artifacts can appear as shadows or distortions in the image, making proper interpretation difficult. By removing air with the ultrasound gel, sharper and more detailed images are obtained , helping medical professionals make an accurate diagnosis.

Another advantage of ultrasound gel is its ability to reduce friction between the probe and the patient's skin. This allows the probe to move smoothly over the skin surface, avoiding any discomfort or discomfort for the patient during the examination. In addition, it can also act as a lubricant , making it easier for the probe to slide and allowing different areas to be explored without problems.

It is important to note that the ultrasound gel is safe and non-invasive. It is primarily made up of water and thickening agents, making it safe for use on the skin. In addition, it does not cause any harm or discomfort to the patient, which makes it an ideal option for medical examinations.

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