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Taking care of the little ones can be exhausting at times, so at Mobiclinic we offer you a selection of high-quality products for children that will bring well-being to your home. Baby strollers, travel high chairs, entertainment... We've got it all figured out!

What products do you need for your baby?

The choice of products for children in a house can vary according to the age and needs of the child. Here we go over a list of basic products:

  1. Child stroller
  2. Travel high chair
  3. Diapers and wipes (if the child is not yet potty trained)
  4. Bedding, including sheets, blankets, and pillows
  5. Age- appropriate toys
  6. Car seat and/or stroller
  7. First aid kit
  8. Thermometer and basic medicines for pain or fever, under medical supervision

It is important to keep in mind that this list is only a starting point, and that it can vary according to the individual needs of each case and the preferences of the parents. In addition, it is always important to pay attention to the safety recommendations for each product and to be careful when using it in order to avoid possible accidents.

How do I choose the best stroller for my baby?

Choosing the right stroller for your baby can be an important decision, as you will spend a lot of time using it and your baby will spend a lot of time in it. There are several factors that you should consider when choosing a baby stroller, such as:

  1. Safety: Make sure it meets safety regulations and has a five-point safety harness. It is also important that it has an effective brake and that the wheels are designed to handle well on different surfaces.
  2. Comfort: It must be comfortable for your baby , with a padded and reclining seat that can be adjusted to different positions. You also want to make sure it has a canopy that provides enough sun protection and is easy to adjust.
  3. Size and Weight: Choose a cart that is easy to maneuver and that fits your storage and transportation needs. If you plan to take it in the car or on public transportation, look for one that is lightweight and easy to fold.
  4. Additional accessories: Some models come with additional accessories such as parent and baby trays, storage pockets or car seat adapters. Decide which accessories are important to you and your baby.
  5. Budget: Kids' strollers can range in price from cheaper options to high-end models. Decide how much you are willing to spend before you start looking.

In short, when choosing a stroller for your baby you should consider safety, comfort, size and weight, additional accessories, and your budget. It is also advisable to try several models in a store before making a final decision and making the purchase.